Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Renaissance Man

David is constantly surprising us.  Over the last few years he has emerged as an athlete, artist, scholar, responsible big brother, respectful son, and over all great kid.  He loves to be part of the team, whether that be in the classroom, on the field or court, at church, or with the family.  His friendship is true and loyal.  His smile is contagious.  He aims to please but knows right from wrong.  He is always wanting to play with others and thrives off group activities.  We are very proud of his accomplishments and the little man he has become.  If things continue on as they are, some day Dave is going to grow up and do great things.  

Peeking out the window as we drive through a tree in the Coastal Redwoods
Indulging his little sisters as they host a tea party.  Thanks for humoring us, Dave.  Your a champ!
Sick as a dog and apparently unaware that he was sleeping with his head off the side of the couch
Working on a masterpiece - a fire breathing dragon!

Drama Queen

Emily has a knack with the camera.  She's one of those who rarely takes a bad picture.  Obviously she gets that from her father since her mother is not photogenic.  The funny thing is that even when she is being a total goof-ball, she is adorable!  Dan and I get a huge kick out of her love for the camera, and it's love for her.  During a outdoor painting session in our backyard, I grabbed the camera to get some shots of the kids painting and Emily took this as an opportunity to try her best faces.  What I love about her is that she is not afraid to look silly.  She is a beautiful girl who does not rely on her cuteness but rather her even more beautiful personality to define her.  I love that about her.  This is only a small sampling of the pictures that I took in about a 20 second  stretch in which she managed a new pose every 3 seconds.  Priceless. 
The Thinker
Here it comes...
Oh my gosh...another academic scholarship?  How surprising!
Simon gave a standing ovation last night on American Idol?  Are you kidding me?