Wednesday, January 22, 2014

You Are Invited to Ai Lan's Baptism!

Hello to all our family, friends, and supporters!  We just wanted to invite you to join us this Sunday for a celebration of Ai Lan's holy baptism and 3rd birthday!  Here's the details:

What:  Ai Lan's Baptism and Birthday

Where: St. Andrew's Lutheran Church
4910 Claremont Avenue
Stockton, CA 95207

When:  January 26, 2014
4:00 PM

The ceremony will take about 45 minutes and will include a slideshow about Ai Lan and her adoption, some great music by the St. Andrew's Quartet, and a short message by Dan, of course!  A cake and punch reception will follow.  Kids are encouraged to join us!

We ask that no gifts be brought, however a freewill offering will be taken and sent to Swallow's Nest, which is the American-run non-profit foster care home that Ai Lan spent the last two years in before she joined our family.  You can read more about Swallow's Nest at  But certainly come not matter whether you choose to give to Swallow's Nest or not!

This is Ai Lan with one of the staff from Swallow's Nest

Hope you can join us!  We are so excited to share this special moment with you!


  1. CAN NOT WAIT. Love, Uncle/Godfather Matt

  2. Wouldn't miss it! ~Grammy and Papa
