Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Tooth Fairy Cometh

It was a milestone day for Miss Josie.  She goes down in the history books as the first (and quite possibly only) Deuel kid to loose her first two teeth on the same day.  Even better, she lost them both within 35 minutes of each other!  Crazy kid.  As you can see from the picture, the replacements are already on their way in, so unfortunately, no toothless grin for her.  

First tooth lost

Immediately followed by second tooth and the replacements are already coming in!

Hope the Tooth Fairy has extra cash tonight!

It's funny how excited we get over teeth, don't you think?  I mean, we got all excited when the first two came in, and we got all excited when the first two came out.  Fascinating!

And while it was super cute to see Josie all a flutter over the lost teeth, the conversation after she lost them with Emily was HILARIOUS!

Josie:  I guess the Tooth Fairy will come tonight and bring me lots of money!
Emily:  Unless "Mr. Tooth Fairy" comes and brings you foreign money which you can't spend anywhere!  (This was said with a severe case of rolling eye)

I guess Emily wasn't too fond of her daddy's little prank a few months ago?  Dan and I thought it was hilarious, personally.  In fact, just remembering the look on her face in the morning when she found Cambodian money under her pillow makes me laugh out loud right now.  Side benefit of taking a mission trip?  I think so.

Friday, July 27, 2012


Okay, first of all, let me just get honest here.  The main reason why I'm giving up Facebook is not because I'm tired of all the junk I see every day (although I have to be honest...I won't miss the latest e-card craze).  The real reason that I had to give up Facebook was because, apparently, I have no self control. I have a mini computer in my pocket all day, and instead of using my free moments to, say, clean out a messy drawer or read my Bible, I have fallen back on the crutch of the mind numbing 2 minute scan through the old FB.  I gave up FB for 13 weeks this winter/spring, and I thought I'd be much more controlled when I returned, but alas, within a few weeks I was back into my old habits like an addict.  I'm not sure why FB had such a grip on me.  I'm not normally one to get hooked on things.  I don't even drink coffee anymore and gave it up easily last year.  But the pull to check FB first thing in the morning was making me feel like a total loser, and yet even when I felt that way, I still did it!  This is not good.  So the only way for me to loose this grip on my mind was to go cold turkey.

So I did it.  I shut it down.

Well, sort of.  See, turns out that you can "deactivate" your FB so that you can't be searched and friended, no further activity on your account, but your timeline and pictures are not deleted from FB records so that when you want to rejoin FB, your friends are still there and you don't have to start over.

Ohhhhh, they are so smart.  So smart indeed.

So I deactivated.  Because I thought, you know, what if for some reason I HAVE to rejoin FB years down the line.  I mean, like, it's absolutely necessary.  Then I have to go through the long laborious process of finding you all again, friending, etc, etc, etc.  What a hassle!  Really, I'm just trying to save you the trouble of accepting my friend request again.  But I did delete the app from my phone.  And if any of you ever see my name pop up on the side of your page as "currently online," you have my permission to drive over and give me a good, hard scolding.    But not too hard... I might unfriend you.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

No More Facebook

I started this blog right before I signed onto Facebook for the first time.  Then Facebook took over and I forgot about the blog.  Well I'm done with FB now.  While I love 90% of my "friends" posts, there is another 10% that make me think, "huh?"  And it's totally addicting and I spend way too much time on it, obviously.  I've been thinking about dumping it since January, but I'm finally taking the leap.  It's gonna hurt, but if you are reading this, you are the few who actually care that I'm not going to be on FB any more, so you can catch up on my family here, though I can promise you I won't be posting daily status updates!  And PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE send me updates and pictures on your family! You can text or email them to me, or respond to my blog posts.  That is my biggest regret to leaving FB...keeping up on my friend's lives.  

Anyhow...the FB page is coming down soon, though I'm not exactly sure when.  I'm really hoping it will help me focus on what Phillipians 4:8 says:

 "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

I promise no profound moments on this blog.  Honestly, I have no idea where this is going. I'm just going to roll with the punches!  

Love to you all!
