money, food, clothes, transportation, fun, laughter, room in our home, room in our hearts. We have no excuses to ignore that nagging feeling in our heart that our family was made for more than this...that we have room to grow, more love to share, more hugs to give. And so it is with great pleasure that we announce to you that we are adopting from China. I will take a while (likely 12-18 months), and we'll have to raise the funding, but I know that God will make this happen in his time and on his terms.
Why China? My brother and his family adopted from Ethiopia, and since I love that boy dearly, I thought that is where I'd naturally be pulled. But I was wrong. God already knows which child we will be loving, and we have prayed that he lead us in the direction he chooses. And in listening to his still, small voice, he know that he has chosen China for us. That's where our new son or daughter lives, and so that is where we will look.
We have turned in our application with Holt International, and the process begins! Our kids are beyond excited, and so are Dan and I! Please keep us in your prayers!