Reckless driving

Throwing snowballs

Emily was more interested in exploring than sledding

Looking cute was Josie's main task that day

Isaac's first sled run...he makes it look so cool!

On a long weekend in January we went up to our friend's cabin near Arnold. We had a blast hanging with Mike, Carolyn, and their son, Thomas, and the next day headed to a snow park where we tromped up a small hill countless times. A good time was had by most...the girls weren't too interested in sledding. David, on the other hand, was steering his sled over rocks and taking air most of the was awesome! The funny part was that it was so warm, some of us didn't even want to wear our coats! That's the joy of California in January!
Looks like a lot of fun! Maybe we can join you one of these years once Caleigh realizes how much fun playing in the snow can be. Kids are adorable! We can also have a contest to see who runs into trees more - might be a close call between me and you. :) Have a great weekend chica!! love, carrie