Knowing how nervous some people get when asked to pray out loud, we have tried to foster a confidence in praying in our children. So at dinnertime, we don't say a common prayer all together but ask, "Who wants to pray?" The kids hands all shoot up and once accompanied by "Me! Me! Me!" Great problem to have! Now Isaac (14 months) joins the crowd, only when we ask "Why wants to pray?" he enthusiastically throws both hands up in the air, and then slams them down on the table for further emphasis. It's hilarious! Now we all have a joke we play with him wherever and whenever. Out of nowhere we ask, "Why wants to pray?" and whatever Isaac is doing, he throws his arms up! I got it on camera for you! Some day, I'm sure he'll add in an actual prayer, but for now we will enjoy his true faith like a child.
awwwww...how cute! people are nervous to pray out loud? never heard of such a thing! ;) love it! caleigh shouts her "amen!" loud and clear these days (occaisionally in church). hugs to the kiddos!