Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Tooth Fairy Cometh

It was a milestone day for Miss Josie.  She goes down in the history books as the first (and quite possibly only) Deuel kid to loose her first two teeth on the same day.  Even better, she lost them both within 35 minutes of each other!  Crazy kid.  As you can see from the picture, the replacements are already on their way in, so unfortunately, no toothless grin for her.  

First tooth lost

Immediately followed by second tooth and the replacements are already coming in!

Hope the Tooth Fairy has extra cash tonight!

It's funny how excited we get over teeth, don't you think?  I mean, we got all excited when the first two came in, and we got all excited when the first two came out.  Fascinating!

And while it was super cute to see Josie all a flutter over the lost teeth, the conversation after she lost them with Emily was HILARIOUS!

Josie:  I guess the Tooth Fairy will come tonight and bring me lots of money!
Emily:  Unless "Mr. Tooth Fairy" comes and brings you foreign money which you can't spend anywhere!  (This was said with a severe case of rolling eye)

I guess Emily wasn't too fond of her daddy's little prank a few months ago?  Dan and I thought it was hilarious, personally.  In fact, just remembering the look on her face in the morning when she found Cambodian money under her pillow makes me laugh out loud right now.  Side benefit of taking a mission trip?  I think so.

1 comment:

  1. To funny, When Beverly lost her last tooth she lost it for a month so when the tooth fairy came she spilled her glitter all over the dollar with glue she was so shocked to find the missing tooth. Beverly was totally unimpressed as well. Actually she was down right annoyed declaring the tooth fairy had ruined a dollar and that was illegal.
