Monday, April 15, 2013

Rummage Sale a HUGE Success!

Thank you to all those who donated items for our rummage sale, and all those who volunteered on the day of our sale!  Thanks to the generosity of you all we raised a total of about $2,300, which includes the money we made on our March "mini" rummage sale in my front yard!  I don't know about you, but raising a couple K off of stuff you didn't want or need sounds like a pretty great deal to me!  So thank you , thank you, thank you!  A special shout out to Traci Feaster (and Matt who watched the kids so Traci could help), my parents, Ralph and Maureen Feaster, who kept us fed, Colleen Lancaster, Bobby and Laura Moore, Jaime Marlowe, Barbi Jones, Steve Kacmarcik (who sold the impossible), Charles Lucas, Natalie Harden, Genny Drouin, Jamie and Tim Eisenbeisz (who watched my kids overnight and hauled them to all their Saturday activities), and if I forgot anyone I'm so sorry!

We put a few signs up saying we were raising money to bring Ai Lan home from China, and you know what, it was really cool to see how some of our shoppers donated money beyond what we were asking for the items they bought.  One woman bought $1.50 worth of stuff and handed me a $20 and told me to keep the change!  Many shoppers just rounded up to the closest dollar or $5.  It was really sweet.  I had the chance to share about the redemptive nature of adoption to a few people and was especially blessed to hear other's adoption stories.  God is good.  

1 comment:

  1. Miriam, I will be the first to admit I am not savvy with technology. i tried to find a way to private message you but its beyond me! I first wanted to say that I am so happy Ai Lan will soon be with her forever family. I am also hoping you may want to chat. We are also in process of adopting a beautiful little girl with SWS!!! She is about 2 1/2 .We are hoping to travel in the next couple of months. Your little one played a part in our being matched:)My husband will be so happy to know that a family is on their way for her:) My email is if you would like to chat but no pressure, I would not want to invade your families privacy either.
